Alun Cairns was appointed Secretary of State for Wales on 19 March 2016, having previously occupied a joint role as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Wales and a Government Whip.
23rd November 2017
Our Christmas gathering has become a very popular social event in our annual calendar and this year we are joined by UK Government Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns MP and our entertainer for the evening comedian Gary Marshall.
A Big thank you to
Coleg Cambria for providing the Public Address equipment and a great team!
Ramada Plaza Hotel for their hospitality
Ceidiog Communications for Public Relations and News Coverage
Wrexham Glyndwr University
Our WBP Committee and Sponsors for their continued support
And to Kate Edwards for all the organising.
Alun Cairns was appointed Secretary of State for Wales on 19 March 2016, having previously occupied a joint role as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Wales and a Government Whip.
Award-winning comedian Gary Marshall has been a professional now for over 20 years and has established himself as one the most popular comics working on the after-dinner circuit, with his unique style and deadpan delivery it gives him an charm which makes him equally at home with both all male and mixed audiences.