The blueprint was unveiled to a meeting of Wrexham Business Professionals (WBP) by David Jones, Principal and Chief Executive of Coleg Cambria.
On the economic front, the meeting heard, there was already a raft of good news.
Around 45 acres of land on Wrexham Industrial Estate had been sold for new business development since January leading to an anticipated total investment of around £1 billion over the next three years.
WBP is a group of highly skilled professional firms of solicitors and accountants working together to raise the profile of expertise that exists in the region and beyond
Mr Jones said the campaign has been designed by Wrexham Local Service Board (LSB), which is part of a network of similar bodies across Wales on which leaders of local public authorities and the voluntary sector take action to ensure public services are effective and focused on people.
He was recently appointed as chair of the group on the LSB which is responsible for making sure that Wrexham has a strong resilient and responsible economy.
To achieve its aims the group has drawn up a masterplan for how it would like to see the local economy develop over the next decade and he told an audience of over 70 WBP members that he was anxious to have their reactions to it as the plan was undergoing its 2015 review.
He said: "You have a vital role to play because we want Wrexham businesses to have a strong voice and influence in relation to public sector developments that impact on the local economy.
"I also want to ensure that businesses in the private sector help to shape the work of my group and set its priorities and targets.
"This session is aimed at raising awareness but, more importantly, giving a key Wrexham business group the opportunity to influence the direction of the group and indeed that of Wrexham LSB."
WBP members' views at the meeting were gauged and shared by a pioneering piece of computer technology now being used at Coleg Cambria called Nearpod, which gives multi-media presentations an inter-active element.
This means that members of an audience can give their immediate response by tapping answers into a tablet device and these are immediately displayed on their screens.
Mr Jones explained that while Nearpod was now being used for staff development and teaching by the college, this was the first time it had been showcased at a business event in Wrexham.
One of the main topics for discussion using the system was the role played by new technology, like Nearpod, in achieving the economic objectives of the Local Service Board.
After showing a short film about the rapid growth of social media, Mr Jones said technology was of increasing importance to what has been dubbed as "Generation Z", young people up to the age of 25 who had grown up with the internet.
"They have been brought up only knowing the latest technology and will eventually have a massive impact on what we are trying to do in our master plan," he told the audience.
"You as business leaders have got to be aware of this because even though it might not have an impact on your businesses immediately it will impact on your clients and customers, so this is about you getting ready for today and the future."
WBP members were split into a number of work groups, each using a tablet running Nearpod to give their answers to a set of questions about the Local Service Board's master plan.
Suggestions which came from members included improving the image of Wrexham to attract inward investment, rate relief for start-up companies, a re-branding of the town centre and better availability of business premises.
Gill Atkinson, of Coxeys Chartered Accountants and a founder member of WBP, was in favour of more collaboration and better integration between the private and public sectors.
She said: "I would suggest that between them the professionals here from the worlds of accountancy and law already represent the vast majority of businesses in Wrexham area.
"Wrexham Business Professionals are the ideal conduit to the business community in Wrexham and we would like the opportunity to work more closely with the public sector to maximise our efforts more collaboratively to meet the needs of business in the region and make sure there is no unnecessary duplication of effort.
"The private sector has valuable experience and resources in terms of training and this expertise is something that should be tapped into for the greater good.
"At the same time our schools and colleges need to align their curricula to they better reflect the needs of the worlds of business and industry.
It was a suggestion echoed by Business and Management Consultant Gwynfor Jones who felt that ensuring that Wrexham Business Professionals was represented on the Local Service Board would be an important first step.
He said "We ought to be looking at Wrexham as the regional capital of North Wales and turning the town into an economic powerhouse for the region.
"We also need to think about closer business links between our region and the North West and middle England."
Sharing the presentation with David Jones was Peter Scott, Assets and Business Development Manager for Wrexham County Borough Council, which was sponsoring the meeting.
Giving a snapshot of Wrexham's economy, he said that its current unemployment rate at just 3.2 per cent was "spectacularly low" despite recent redundancies at companies like Sharp and Tetrapak.
Demand for land on Wrexham Industrial Estate was growing, with 45 acres sold for new business development since January and an anticipated total investment of around £1 billion over the next three years.
Mr Scott said that one of the largest new occupants of the industrial estate, the new "super prison" for North Wales, would eventually create an estimated 800 to 950 jobs.
He also revealed that while tourism in Wrexham town centre has become a £100 million business, the council was working on a blueprint for its future improvement.
"We are currently talking to a major developer to find out what their aspirations are for the future," he said.
And despite gloomy predictions elsewhere in the UK that manufacturing was dying, Mr Scott said that in Wrexham the sector had undergone a "significant renaissance" and was now "very strong".
Another point he made was that Wrexham's population – which currently stands at 133,000 – was predicted to grow faster than that of the whole of North Wales over the next 20 years.
Coleg Cambria Principal David Jones said at the end of the meeting: "The input you have given us today on the Local Service Board's plans for the future is not going to be lost and we'll make sure that all your feedback goes back to the board."
Gwyn Edwards, of Godfrey Edwards Chartered Accountants, who hosted the event and is a member of the Wrexham Business Professionals committee, said: "Members of WBP represent thousands of businesses across the Wrexham region and we are therefore a valuable partner for the Local Service Board in terms of getting through to the wider business community."